Are you a URSU volunteer? Have you helped with our Pantry, Garden, or other sustainable program? Then apply for the URSU Sustainable Community Volunteer Scholarship! This scholarship will be awarded to a student who is voluntarily involved in the sustainability program of the University of Regina Students’ Union (URSU). Specifically, the scholarship will reward a student who has made an outstanding contribution to the sustainability goals of URSU and the food security in the student community.
Applications must be emailed to exec@ursu.ca, and should include:
1. proof that the applicant has completed at least 50 hours of volunteering (can be acquired from Food Security Coordinator); and
2. a letter of reference from a fellow volunteer/food security coordinator/gardener of URSU.
The applicant must:
1. be registered and active members of the URSU
2. be registered as a student at the University of Regina;
3. have completed a minimum of 50 hours of volunteering;
4. have demonstrated community involvement on campus, specifically a contribution to the sustainability
goals of URSU and the food security in the student community
5. have demonstrated leadership and initiative in working and collaborating with others.
This scholarship is for undergraduate and graduate students. The application deadline is Oct 30, 2021, and applications should be sent to exec@ursu.ca.
Apply today! For more information, please contact exec@ursu.ca.