If you were that person in High School that was interested in weird stuff and you’re afraid you’ll never find someone to share that with, fear not! The URSU sponsors nearly 100 distinct clubs that will help you make connections, pursue your passions and grow you leadership skills.
Campus Societies are like clubs, only bigger. They represent each faculty at the U of R and put on the biggest and most fun events. Every single one is independently managed by students and receives funding from URSU every year.
If you can’t find the group you’re looking for, please consider creating it instead. Please review our Policy on Campus Groups and Regulations for Student Events Involving Alcohol if you want to know more.
For more information contact pres@ursu.ca or vpsa@ursu.ca
Can’t find a club you like? Make one!
Have an idea for a new club?
You will need to have a minimum of three group leaders including yourself registered on UniVerse to assign as Group Officers (as per URSU’s Policy on Campus Groups) as well as a Group Mission. If you have any questions or concerns about groups or funding, please email events@ursu.ca.