What is the Good Food Box?
The Good Food Box is a fresh and nutritious box of fruits and vegetables delivered right to your neighborhood (in this case the Students’ Union Front Desk) every two weeks. It’s just like having a fresh fruit and vegetable stand on your corner.
The Students’ Union participates in the Good Food Box Program (operated by REACH Regina) as a site to place orders and as a neighborhood drop-off location. Good Food Box orders are delivered to the Students’ Union every two weeks. To participate in the program place your order at the Students’ Union Member Services Desk. Good Food Box order cut-off dates and drop-off dates can be found in the Students’ Union Calendar or at the Member Services Desk.

How does it work?
Each neighborhood drop-off site has a volunteer coordinator who collects and advances payments for the box. U of R students can place their order at the Students’ Union Member Services Desk (Room 221 – Second floor – Dr. William Riddell Centre Building).
REACH selects only top-quality produce to be included in the box, considering freshness, variety, nutrition and ensuring the best food dollar value for our customers.
The produce is delivered farm fresh to their warehouse and volunteers help pack it on the same morning that it is received.
Their drivers then immediately deliver the boxes to a network of volunteer-run community drop-offs. The box is then ready for you to pick up at the URSU Member Services Desk.
Two weeks later, they do it all again.
What do you get in the box?
The selection of fruits and vegetables changes with every delivery based upon a number of factors including which produce is in season. Basic items such as potatoes, carrots, onions, apples, citrus fruits and bananas are included in every box. A great variety of other items such as cherries, melons, strawberries, peaches and corn-on-the-cob are included when they are in season. REACH chooses only the best quality produce and will not include an item if it’s not fresh or a good food value for their customers.
Can I choose what is in the box?
No. Everyone gets the same carefully selected fruits and vegetables. Although REACH does periodic surveys to check their customers’ preferences, there may be some fruits and vegetables that you or your family don’t care for. If there is an item in the box that isn’t a personal favorite, you may be able to make a trade with someone else at your neighborhood drop-off site.
How much money can I save?
REACH charges a not-for-profit price, which will save you an average of 1/3 to 1/2 of the cost of purchasing similar produce at a regular retail food outlet or grocery store.
Can anyone participate?
Absolutely. The Good Food Box is available to any Regina resident who is interested in increasing their consumption of fresh and nutritious fruits and vegetables through a convenient distribution system, at an affordable cost.
Do I have to commit?
No. Try a box and see if it is right for your family. Order another box when you are ready by contacting your coordinator.
Why fruits and vegetables?
Fruits and vegetables are an extremely important component of our diet. They contain essential vitamins and minerals including: vitamins A, C and E, iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium and fiber. These vitamins are necessary to maintain good health.
In today’s fast-paced world of fast food restaurants and processed foods, eating enough fruits and vegetables is more important than ever before.
They taste good and are the perfect fast food, eaten raw or cooked. They are also one of the most versatile foods with hundreds of available recipes and preparation styles.
Want more information? The Good Food Box is an initiative of:
- Regina Food Security Project
- Regina Education and Action on Child Hunger
- City of Regina Social Development Division
- Regina and District Food Bank
- Saskatchewan Social Services
Other Regina Food Security Project initiatives include:
Convenience Meal Program
Family Basket Program
Bulk Food Buying Coop
Women’s Baking Coop
What’s Cooking Program
Community Kitchens
Community Gardens
Garden Share Program
Community Freezer Access
Food Processing Kitchen
For further information, contact:
The Regina Food Security Project
Box 4482
Regina, SK
S4P 3W7
Phone: 347-3224 Fax: 347-0943
E-mail: reach.office@sasktel.net
Click here for the REACH website