Sexual Health and Mental Wellness Week will focus on promoting mental and sexual health while normalizing beneficial health decisions in the lives of students.
Our goal is to alleviate any stigma around seeking help or treatment and promote safe, respectful, and enjoyable experiences. We have an amazing community on our campus, and we want our students to realize that although there may be a stigma in our world around sexual health and mental wellness, that stigma does not exist on the University of Regina campus.
Throughout the week, students will learn that they are not alone when dealing with mental wellness and we will show them the scope of support they have around them. We will also share with them the ways they can help themselves stay healthy mentally and sexually by presenting resources or services that can be part of their everyday life.
We are partnering with other departments and groups within the University of Regina and the community in order to make this a collective effort to educate, enlighten, and encourage our students to continue the conversation about mental wellness and sexual health. Together we can instill confidence in our students and offer a safe environment to nurture future healthy living.
Here is the schedule for the week:
Tuesday, January 28th
mywellness Tabling
Riddell Centre
Bell Let’s Talk Tabling
Riddell Centre
Ian Morrison – Healing Through Humour
The Owl
Wednesday, January 29th
Lunch n Learn w/ Gallivan
URSU Boardroom
mywellness Tabling
More Joy Regina w/ Clint Malarchuk
6pm – 10pm
Conexus Arts Centre
Thursday, January 30th
Keynote Speaker Event – What’s Your Big Lie? w/ Jordan Axani
Education Auditorium-ED 106
Friday, January 31st
Sexual Pleasure Workshop by UR Pride Centre for Sexuality and Gender Diversity
2pm – 4pm
Riddell Centre MPR