To: All student association executives
From: Pat Patton, Director, Security and Operations
Re: Alcohol Functions – New for 2018-2019
As a result of changes to the Sask Liquor and Gaming regulations and updating of University processes,
the following will need to be in place for all alcohol functions on campus.
All functions requiring food or alcohol must be catered by one of the three authorized University
Caterers (University Food Services, The Owl or Luther College Food Services).
– In some situations, students who have received “Serve it right” training may be approved to
serve under a special occasion permit for small events. (Proof of certification is required) This would be
considered for small gatherings in “the lounge”.
Security must be provided for events over 30 people and those that are not typical “wine and cheese”
functions where it is predominantly an older crowd vs a student crowd. The Owl has the right of first
refusal for security/bouncer service for this type of event. Any other security providers must be
preapproved by my office.
Any student events hosted in the Multipurpose Room may use The Owl for food and security.
All other requirements of the University policy Sale and Service of Alcohol on Campus (OPS-110-005)
must be upheld.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to call me at (306)585-4655 or email me at
Thanks. Best wishes for a great academic year.