To: All Students
The URSU Health & Dental Plan is now with a new service provider, There is also a new insurance carrier, Canada Life. The new policy number is 177841. This new policy is effective on September 1, 2020. Your student ID number is your plan ID number.
Visit the plan website at to find all information or connect with someone who can help you.
On you can find all information about the program including:
- coverage information
- plan benefits card
- submit claims
- opt-out information (deadline applies)
- adding family (deadline applies)
If you are a returning student and were enrolled in the URSU Health & Dental Plan last year, you must submit any claims to the old insurance company by mail. You have until November 30, 2020 to submit your claims for expenses incurred prior to August 31, 2020. The previous insurance company is Sun Life and the group policy number is 113108. You can visit to find claims forms and connect with someone who can help you with any questions.