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Engage with fellow students and impact the future of your Students’ Union at the URSU 2021 AGM!
We ask all URSU members to attend the Annual General Meeting via Zoom or in the Riddell Centre Multi-Purpose Room on November 17th from 5 pm to 7 pm. Students will need to pre-register before the meeting to participate, register here.
If you are a registered, student union fee-paying student at the University of Regina (except those in ESL classes) then you are an URSU member and we want to hear from you!
The URSU Annual General Meeting (AGM) will run a little differently than usual. As with every AGM, URSU needs to ensure that all attendees are eligible to submit a motion or vote on an existing motion. We also want to verify which student groups (if any) you are representing during the meeting. To make this possible, all attendees are required to use a Zoom account and to pre-register for the event using this link.
You can use any email address that you please, but you will be required to provide an accurate First Name, Last Name, and Student ID number so that we can verify your identity. If we cannot verify your identity, you will not be permitted entrance to the meeting.
We kindly ask that all attendees please log in fifteen (15) minutes prior to the meeting’s start time of 5 pm. As this is an online meeting with multiple presenters and a number of polls, we humbly request the audience’s patience and politeness.
During the AGM, all attendees will be placed on mute as the chair and Executive Committee go through the agenda items. If you have a question, comment, or need to ask for a point of order, information, etc., we ask that you use the “Raise Hand” function in Zoom to get our attention. We will then unmute your mic and the chair will ask you to speak.
Click here to view the 2021 AGM Agenda
Click here to view 2020 AGM Minutes
When it comes time to vote on a motion, URSU will create and share a poll in Zoom. All attendees will be given 90 seconds to submit their votes. The poll will then be closed and URSU will share the results with all attendees.
Club Requirements
All URSU ratified student clubs, societies, councils, unions, and associations must “[s]end a minimum of two (2) delegates to any and all URSU General Meetings of the members, including the AGM and SGM.” as stated in the ‘URSU Policy on Campus Groups – Article 3.1. Minimum Requirements for all Groups’: https://ursu.ca/
For more information or to submit a motion, please visit ursu.ca/agm contact the URSU Board of Directors Chair by emailing chair@ursu.ca.
Help improve life for students on and off campus by attending the URSU 2021 AGM!