The URSU Board of Directors has scheduled its Annual General Meeting (AGM) for the fiscal year ending April 30, 2024. The meeting will be held on February 7, 2025, from 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM CST in the Multipurpose Room at the Riddell Centre. All members are entitled to submit proposals, attend, speak, and vote on resolutions during the AGM. The Board of Directors is therefore requesting members to submit proposals—whether to discuss an issue or to propose a resolution—by 4:00 PM on January 22, 2025. Please note that proposals, particularly resolutions, will not be accepted from the floor due to restrictions set out in the Saskatchewan Nonprofit Corporations Act. However, you may propose issues for discussion by amending the agenda at the beginning of the meeting subject to approval by membership by 2/3rd majority vote.
Deadline to submit proposal
You can submit proposal by 4 pm on Jan 22, 2025.
How to submit proposal
You can submit proposal via email at or physically by visiting URSU Front Desk. Please make sure you include your name and student ID number with your proposal
What to include in a proposal
If it is a resolution— It should include a title of the issue, a statement of resolution including preamble and enactment, and supporting documents and information which state the nature of the proposal in sufficient details.
If it is an item for discussion— It should include a title of the issue and a summary of the issue that you would like the membership to discuss.
Frequently Asked Questions
Who can submit proposal?
Our members have rights to submit proposal and vote on them.
How do I know if I am a member of URSU?
All current U of R students, including those registered through Luther College, Campion College, and First Nations University of Canada—who pay URSU fees—or who graduated no more than four months ago are considered URSU members.
What is a resolution?
A resolution is a formal vehicle of expression, stating intended action by a member. It is a main motion written in particular format. All resolutions contain a preamble and enactment clause. The preamble describes the issue, and the enactment clause outlines the action being requested.
Is a resolution really needed?
A resolution is not required for every issue! An email to the executives or the board can often address member concerns quickly. Alternatively, submitting a proposal to the board may help you avoid the lengthy and formal process required for a resolution. Having said that, if your matter only requires membership approval, then you should definitely submit a resolution.
Can I propose a resolution during the meeting?
Unfortunately, we do not allow any resolutions from the floor due to rules set out in the Nonprofit Corporations Act. Any resolution other than ordinary business is considered special business; therefore, it requires notice to members at least 15 days in advance. The notice must also include the resolution in written format along with supporting documents and information to help members form a reasoned judgment.
I don’t have time to write supporting documents and state the nature of the business in sufficient detailed I am proposing, what should I do?
Unfortunately, we cannot accept any proposal or resolution that does not meet the criteria outlined in the Act. This ensures that all members have sufficient information about the resolution to make an informed decision. Members have approximately one year to bring forward resolutions for the AGM, so we encourage you to begin preparations early. However, you may still present this matter as a discussion item at the AGM or bring it to a Board of Directors meeting. Alternatively, you have the option to raise it at the next AGM or call a Special General Meeting (SGM) in accordance with the URSU Constitution and the Act to address the matter.
How do I write a resolution?
Please see the guide available on our website.
I am not sure about the wording of a resolution. What should I do?
If you need help drafting your resolution, please see our detailed guide and read other resources available online. If you still need help, please contact our Board Chair at They will be happy to help. However, please avoid reaching out at the last minute, as it may not be possible to provide assistance before the appropriate deadline.
I do not have a resolution to propose, but I want to discuss something, what do I?
If you wish to discuss an item at the meeting concerning the operations or activities of URSU, you can send an email to the URSU Board Chair no later than 9:00 AM on January 22, 2025. The Chair will provide you with further information. Please note that not everything can be discussed at the AGM due to time constraints and other limitations. The Chair will determine whether your item qualifies as a discussion topic for the AGM or if it should be addressed in another forum, such as a URSU Executive Meeting or a URSU Board of Directors meeting, for a better outcome.