What am I paying for?
Your Student Fees go towards the support of various URSU programs and related services. A large portion of these fees go directly to several different funds and support centres as previously determined by referendum. The remainder is used to support URSU operations and various campaigns throughout the year. The following schedule illustrates how your Student Fee is distributed.
Canadian Federation of Students (CFS) National – $2.40 PT/ $4.79 FT
The Canadian Federation of Students is a national organization that lobbies on behalf of students, in support of students’ rights, and on issues that affect students’ lives. URSU is member of Local 9 in the CFS.
Canadian Federation of Students (CFS) Saskatchewan – $0.80 PT/ $1.60 FT
The provincial component of CFS carries the same mandate as the federal component, but focuses on the provincial level.
Capital Improvement Fund – $2.50 PT / $5.00 FT
The Capital Improvement Fund is used by the Students’ Union for ongoing maintenance of the URSU offices and the Owl.
Carillon Newspaper – $2.75 PT / $5.50 FT
Your student newspaper, The Carillon, is paid for by you, the students. This levy helps pay for production and printing.
Emergency Bursary Fund – $0.25 PT / $0.25 FT
This levy sustains a fund that is accessible by all students who find themselves in acute financial distress. We offer up to $1000, $1,500 for those with children, for those in financial distress. If you find yourself in need, make an appointment with URSU’s Student Advocate. All meetings are confidential by the Students’ Union.
Engineers without Borders – $0.20 PT / $0.40 FT
Engineers Without Borders is an international organization of engineers and engineering students dedicated to improving the lives of those in developing countries through their expertise in engineering.
Fifth Parallel Gallery– $0.50 PT / $1.00 FT
The Fifth Parallel Gallery is an art gallery run by students that acts as a venue for students to exhibit artwork they have created.
Grad/Undergrad Research Fund – $0.75 PT / $1.50 FT
Every year an annual conference is put together by the Grad Students’ Association (URGSA) that showcases the research completed and underway by your fellow students at the U of R.
Intramural Program– $2.50 PT / $2.50 FT
All intramural sports are supported by this levy, which helps fund some of the most popular and widely used student activities on campus.
Refugee Fund – $4.25 PT / $4.25 FT
Every year U of R students sponsor refugees to live and take classes at the University. World University Service of Canada oversees the program and that pays for them to study on campus.
Regina Public Interest Research Group (RPIRG) – $6.93 PT / $6.93 FT
RPIRG is an organization that seeks to empower students to do work on social justice (ex: poverty, homelessness) and environmental issues. Their slogan is “Change, Powered by Students”.
Theatre Department Levy – $0.25 PT / $0.25 FT
This levy means that all students can get free access to student productions at the Shu-Box theatre.
UR Pride Centre – PT $2.75 / $5.25 FT
The UR Pride Centre for Sexuality and Gender Diversity is a non-profit LGBTQ service and programming provider housed at the University of Regina.
Varsity Club Athletics Teams – $6.00 PT / $6.00 FT
The Varsity Club Athletics Levy was created in response to a loss of funding for the Varsity Club Teams at the University of Regina. These funds go towards supporting the teams and funding new teams.
Women’s Centre – $3.00 PT / $6.00 FT
The Women’s Centre is funded by students to help promote the fairness and equality of all people. It is an essential resource on campus providing literature, counselling and a safe space.
Other Fees
Health & Dental Fee – $218.50 per year
The health and dental plan provide extended coverage, designed specifically for students to protect from some health expenses not included in provincial health care and to provide additional medical benefits.
Fall Term Students
Full-time eligible students starting in the Fall term are automatically charged fees for Health ($98.30) and Dental ($120.20).
Students who are not charged the fee automatically or students who previously opted-out may be eligible to opt-in. The application and fee payment (Health $98.30, Dental $120.20) must occur before the applicable deadline. No exceptions provided if the deadline is missed. Fall term coverage period September 1 – August 31.
Winter Term Students
No fees are charged to students starting in the Winter term, eligible students may apply to opt-in. The application and fee payment (Health $65.32, Dental $80.13) must occur before the applicable deadline. No exceptions provided if the deadline is missed. Winter term coverage period January 1 – August 31.
U-Pass – $87.60 per semester (Fall & Winter only)
The U-Pass is a program designed for University of Regina students that will allow them to use Regina Transit as much as they like for a once-per-semester fee.