View the video from the 2020 URSU Annual General Meeting below or click here.
The 2020 URSU Annual General Meeting was an opportunity for members of the University of Regina Students’ Union (URSU) to make recommendations on the operations of your Students’ Union. It was a chance to address issues seen on campus, in the community, or throughout your time as a UofR student by submitting a motion. The Annual General Meeting (AGM) took place via Zoom on Wednesday Oct. 28th starting at 5 p.m. Some of the topics discussed were the future of URSU operations, the rationale for certain expenditures, and the introduction of the UniVerse online platform for student clubs and events.
To view the agenda for the 2020 URSU AGM click here and for the 2019/2020 URSU Financial Statements click here. These documents and others are also available in the AGM Package found here.
As with most things this year, the URSU Annual General Meeting (AGM) ran a little differently than usual. As with every AGM, URSU needed to ensure that all attendees were eligible to submit a motion or vote on an existing motion. We also need to verify which student groups were represented during the meeting. To make this possible, all attendees were required to use a Zoom account and to pre-register for the event. If we could not verify the identity attendee, they were not permitted entrance to the meeting.
We kindly asked that all attendees logged in fifteen (15) minutes prior to the meeting’s start time of 5pm. As this was an online meeting with multiple presenters and a number of polls, we humbly thank the audience and attendees for their patience and politeness.
Club Requirements
All URSU ratified student clubs, societies, councils, unions, and associations must “[s]end a minimum of two (2) delegates to any and all URSU General Meetings of the members, including the AGM and SGM.” as stated in the ‘URSU Policy on Campus Groups – Article 3.1. Minimum Requirements for all Groups’
Click here for the (unofficial) minutes for the 2019 URSU Annual General Meeting. The minutes will be approved at the 2020 URSU AGM.
Appointing proxyholder
From the Saskatchewan Non-profit Corporations Act, 1995 – Section138(1) Subject to subsections (6) and (7), a member entitled to vote at a meeting of members may, by means of a proxy, appoint a proxyholder or one or more alternate proxyholders to attend and act at the meeting in the manner and to the extent authorized by the proxy and with the authority conferred by the proxy.(2) A proxy shall be executed by the member or by his attorney authorized inwriting.(3) A proxy is valid only at the meeting for which it is given or any adjournment of that meeting.